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Choosing Healthy Dessert Recipes

If you've vowed to have a healthier lifestyle, you know that your diet is going to have go through some changes. The good news is, you don't necessarily have to skip those mouthwatering desserts, but you do have to choose them more wisely. Although there are people who would rather reduce their intake of sweets, you can actually have lots of them as long as they're made of the right kind. 


For instance, if you're like many people, dessert equals chocolate. But you can have a wide variety of healthy desserts that have chocolate in them, or you can simply choose to have the right kinds of this treat. According to experts, dark chocolate gives you many health benefits, and a small portion of dark chocolate can satisfy your cravings and even improve your heart. If you dip fruits in chocolate fondue that's made with dark chocolate and skim milk, that would be just great for your calcium requirements, as well as your need for vitamins supplied by fruits. Find out more of these fruits and click here.

As sinful as it may look, parfait is actually one of the world's healthiest desserts. If you make it right, it will be more delicious than regular sundae, and at the same time, you can even get nice amounts of fruits, grains and digestion-aiding yogurt. If you have a small glass of sundae with plain, low-fat yogurt, fruit bits and slices, as well as low-fat granola, that would be just perfect. For proteins and some healthy fats, top with almonds. You can have a parfait at any time of the day or night, or you can even make it a substitute for a meal if you are going crazy with a craving for sweets. 


Even ice cream can be healthy, yes. To make them healthy, you have to make them at home so you can decide what goes into the ice cream maker. It's good to keep away from frozen desserts that are based on dairy, and instead combine lemon juice, fruits and some sugar to make yourself a yummy sorbet. Or you may not really have to avoid dairy altogether. Just use low-fat or skim milk instead.


A lot of healthy sweets are usually fruit-based, but that's not necessarily equivalent to just reaching for a whole fruit when you get a craving for dessert. You can always be creative, so instead of eating pineapple the usual way, for instance, you can try grilling it. You can also throw some apples with some honey and cinnamon sprinkling into the oven and you've got a nice, nutritious dessert in minutes. If you love bananas, throw some into your blender, along with low-fat milk and a cinnamon sprinkling, and you've got something that's good for your weight and your heart.


It's really all about being inventive or innovative in your approach towards a healthier lifestyle. And that sweet tooth need not be forgotten at all. Check out the Internet for more healthy dessert recipes!

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